Noga Erez is an Israeli progressive pop singer, musician, lyricist, and producer. The artist dropped her debut single in 2017. Since then, a lot has changed – she releases really cool videos, makes progressive pop tracks, and tries to avoid “banality” in her tracks. Note: Progressive pop is pop music that tries to break with the standard formula […]
Salve Music is a large catalog of biographies of famous bands and performers. The site contains biographies of singers from the CIS countries and foreign artists. Artist information is updated daily to keep readers up to date with the latest celebrity news.
A convenient site structure will help you find the necessary biography in a matter of seconds. Each article posted on the portal is accompanied by video clips, photographs, details of personal life and interesting facts.
Salve Music - this is not only one of the major platforms for the biography of public figures, but also one of the types of image advertising for celebrities. On the site you can get acquainted with the biography of established and emerging artists.
Kristonko is a Ukrainian singer, musician, blogger. Her repertoire is filled with Ukrainian-language compositions. Christina's songs are charged with popularity. She works hard, and believes that this is her main advantage. Childhood and youth years of Christina Khristonko The date of birth of the artist is January 21, 2000. Christina met her childhood in a small village located in […]
Chanel is a singer, dancer and actress. In 2022, she had a unique opportunity to declare her talent to the whole world. Chanel to go to the Eurovision Song Contest from Spain. Recall that in 2022 the event will be held in the Italian town of Turin. Childhood and youth Chanel Terrero Date of birth of the artist - July 28 […]
Salto Nadab is a popular band that was formed in Ukraine. The band members are united by their love for Jamaican music. Their tracks are “seasoned” with rap, funk and electronics. In 2022, the former vocalist of “Salto Nadab” Sasha Tab took part in the recording of the track “Sonyachna” (the verses feature the recitative of rapper Skofka and the group “Kalush”). The vocalist of “Salto […]
Blanco is an Italian singer, rap artist, and lyricist. Blanco loves to shock the audience with daring antics. In 2022, he and singer Alessandro Mahmoud will represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest. By the way, the artists are doubly lucky, because this year the musical event will be held in Turin, Italy. Childhood and youth Riccardo Fabbriconi Date of birth […]
Brooke Scullion is an Irish singer, artist, and representative of Ireland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. She began her singing career a couple of years ago. Despite this, Scullion has managed to acquire an impressive number of “fans.” Participation in top-rated music projects, a strong voice, and a charming appearance have done their job. Brooke Scullion’s childhood and youth […]