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Stakhan Rakhimov: Biography of the artist

Stakhan Rakhimov is a real treasure of the Russian Federation. He gained massive popularity after he teamed up in a duet with Alla Ioshpe. Stakhan's creative path was thorny. He survived the ban on performances, oblivion, complete poverty and popularity.


As a creative person, Stakhan has always been attracted by the opportunity to please the audience. In one of his later interviews, he expressed the opinion that modern artists have deteriorated, since they are only ready to perform for large fees. Rakhimov measured happiness not with money, but with the ability to simply perform on stage. At one time, he experienced in his own skin what a total ban on performances is and how an artist lives at the same time.

Stakhan Rakhimov: Biography of the artist

Artist's childhood

The singer's date of birth is December 17, 1937. Stakhan is from Tashkent. His mother was from a wealthy family, so according to established traditions, she had to get married. At the last moment, she announced that the family was not included in her plans. She went against her parents and began to serve the theater. Nothing is known about Rakhimov's biological father. It was rumored that he was not the last person in Uzbekistan.

Stakhan almost never spoke about his father, but often remembered his mother. He especially remembered one of the scenes of the play in which a woman played. She worked at the site of the Tashkent theater. According to the scenario, Stakhan's mother was strangled. The woman had no one to leave the boy with, so she took him to work with her. When Rakhimov saw the strangulation scene, he ran onto the stage and disrupted the performances. At that time he was 4 years old

The fact that Stakhan has strong vocal abilities became clear in childhood. Already at the age of three, he delighted the household and ordinary passers-by with the performance of serious songs. The boy was rewarded with a storm of applause, and when he sang in local grocery stores, he often left there with edible presents that were given to him completely free of charge.

A huge role in the development of Stakhan's talent was played by his mother. She took him to various circles, and also independently studied with her son. He was even enrolled in one of the state choirs, but soon he was asked to leave, doubting the vocal abilities of the young artist. According to the teachers, Rakhimov was false. He was not upset and tried his hand at dancing. Small victories in the choreographic field did not bring much pleasure to Stakhan.

Stakhan Rakhimov: Youthful years

After moving to the capital of Russia, Shakhodat (Rakhimnov's mother) underwent retraining at one of the Moscow conservatories. Since her son had nowhere to go, the woman took the boy with her to classes. After one of the teachers heard Stakhan's wonderful singing, he recommended that the woman enroll her son in piano and vocal classes.

The final and irrevocable love of music happened to Stakhan under very strange circumstances. He decided to become a singer after the death of Joseph Stalin. These days, chamber music sounded on the radio, and it was simply impossible to take your ears off this sound.

Stakhan Rakhimov: Biography of the artist

But after graduating from school, he had to enter the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. After receiving a diploma of higher education, he worked as an engineer. During his student years, Rakhimov already had experience working on stage - he performed not only within the walls of the university, but also in the local recreation center. 

Stakhan doubted the need for higher education within the walls of the energy institute, but his mother insisted that her son have a serious profession. The woman was worried about the future of the guy, because she understood that a creative profession could not always bring a piece of bread and a roof over her head.

Stakhan Rakhimov: Creative path and music

In 1963, Stakhan took the stage holding Alla Ioshpe by the hand. The Jewish-Uzbek duet found its audience in a short period of time. They managed to become one of the most popular duets of the USSR period. They traveled all over the Soviet Union, gathering caring music lovers under one roof. The audience rewarded the singers with thunderous applause. Often the duo did not want to let go of the stage, and shouts of “encore” and “bravo” were heard from every corner of the hall.

They managed to merge Uzbek, Jewish and Russian culture together. The popularity of the artists was also due to the fact that they performed in a duet, as a whole. The audience did not take the performances of Stakhan and Alla solo. They seemed to complement each other.

Rakhimov more often began concerts, introducing his fans to the compositions of his people. And his wife, Alla, most often performed compositions with notes of Jewish compositions. They gained nationwide popularity after performing the song "These eyes are opposite."

Decline in Rakhimov's popularity

The duo's popularity peaked in the 70s of the last century. At the very moment of their heyday, Alla and Stakhan, unexpectedly for fans, disappeared from concert venues. They will take the stage only after 10 years. At this time, Alla was very sick. The woman wanted to be treated in Israel. Due to a request to leave for a foreign country, the star family fell into disgrace.

Stakhan failed to leave for Israel. However, like his wife Alla. He fought with all his might for the opportunity to continue performing, but all his attempts were reduced to zero. The duo was not given the right to perform in public. Alla and Stakhan's wallets were empty, and meanwhile, his wife needed expensive treatment. The family had no choice but to arrange impromptu concerts right at home.

Every week, the duo delighted fans of their work with home concerts. Spectators brought not only money, but also provisions. This helped the star family not to die of hunger.

Only at the end of the 80s, when the ban on performances by artists was lifted, did they take the stage. The family first appeared in small regional centers, but soon returned to large areas of the country.

Details of privacy

The first wife of the artist was a girl named Natalia. He met her in his student years. Young people almost immediately legalized their relationship at the registry office, after which they moved to the territory of Tashkent. He left his wife at home, and he himself was forced to return to the capital of Russia in order to get a higher education.

The distance played a cruel joke with the couple. The birth of a daughter did not save their marriage. He rarely visited his family, spent little time with his daughter and wife, which led to a deterioration in relations. Natalia was on edge. Every visit of her husband ended in a grandiose scandal. There was talk of divorce in the house.

During this period of time, he met Alla Ioshpe. Just one meeting changed his whole life. He was struck by her beauty and charming voice. For the first time he saw Alla when she performed the song "Princess Nesmeyana". After the performance, they met, and never parted again.

Interestingly, at the time of their acquaintance, Alla was married. Moreover, she raised a little daughter. But neither the presence of a spouse, nor the presence of a little daughter, became an obstacle for Stakhan. He raised Alla's daughter as his own. Rakhimov said that at first glance he realized that this woman was intended specifically for him.

Despite the great and pure love in this marriage there were no common children. He did not cut off communication with his daughter from his first marriage. They still communicate. Stakhan is not only a happy father. He has grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Stakhan Rakhimov: interesting facts

  1. Stakhan had another serious occupation. He loved boxing. The artist even kept gloves.
  2. During the war, his mother transferred an impressive amount of money to the front. For this act, she received gratitude from Stalin himself.
  3. The Rakhimov family in one of their interviews said that the most valuable gift for the wedding day was the samovar.
  4. The spouses' home theater was called "Music in Rejection".

The couple spent most of their time in a country house. In 2020, Rakhimov and Alla became participants in the To the Dacha! project. And at the beginning of 2021, they visited the Fate of a Man studio. In the program of Boris Korchevnikov, the main characters spoke about their creative career, an incredible love story, the pros and cons of popularity.

On January 30, 2021, Stakhan's main and most beloved woman passed away. Alla died due to heart problems. The husband was very upset by the loss.

The final chord of Stakhan Rakhimov


On March 12, 2021, it became known that the singer had died. Recall that a few months ago, Stakhan's wife, Alla Ioshpe, died of heart problems caused by a coronavirus infection.

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