Yan Frenkel: Biography of the artist

Yan Frenkel - Soviet musician, songwriter, actor. On his account a large number of musical works, which today are considered classics of the genre. He composed a number of compositions, songs for films, instrumental works, music for cartoons, radio performances and theatrical productions.


Childhood and youth years of Jan Frenkel

He is from Ukraine. The artist's childhood years were spent in the small town of Pologi. Jan's date of birth is November 21, 1920. The love of music was instilled in the boy by his father. The head of the family was a distinguished hairdresser. Dad was sure that Jan simply had to learn to play the violin. My father said that Frenkel's future fate depended on the ability to play this instrument.

The head of the family not only instructed Jan, but also taught him. Why did he do it according to the books. According to Frenkel's memoirs, his father could easily flog him if he did not hit the notes.

As a teenager, Jan became a student at a prestigious music academy. He studied at the educational institution until 1941. On his stream, Frenkel was listed as one of the most successful students.

After graduating from an educational institution, he voluntarily went to the front. Fearless Jan was on the front line for about a year. The young man could continue to defend his homeland, if not for a serious injury that almost cost him his life.

After treatment, Jan was sent to the front-line theater. The young man was definitely in his midst. He played several musical instruments and also sang and composed music. In general, he did everything that was required of him, if only to maintain the morale of the Red Army.

The musical work "The pilot was walking down the lane", which brought the first portion of popularity - he wrote it during this period of time. Jan recalls that it was difficult for him to work in such conditions. However, he perfectly understood that it was an order of magnitude more difficult for the leaders, and this was his duty to the defenders.

Yan Frenkel: Biography of the artist
Yan Frenkel: Biography of the artist

The creative path of Jan Frenkel

After the end of the war, Jan settled in the capital of Russia. He continued his musical career. At the end of the 40s of the last century, the guy earned his living by performing already popular songs in his own interpretation.

At the same time, the composer rewrote scores for members of the Union of Composers of the Soviet Union, and also arranged their musical compositions. Gradually merging into the circle of the creative elite, he acquires "useful" acquaintances. Jan meets the key songwriters of this time and enters into a fruitful collaboration with them.

Together with popular songwriters, Jan created an unrealistic number of hits. Well-known musical figures also contributed to the flowering of Frenkel's popularity.

The composition "Cranes" is still considered the hallmark of the artist today. The classical performance of this work belongs to Mark Bernes. The performer ended his career singing this song.

The composition was written at the end of the 60s of the last century. This is one of the most frequent military-themed works that are performed on stage today.

Yan Frenkel at the Union of Composers

In the career of a musician, there was a place for not very bright moments. They tried to deprive him of the membership of the Union of Composers. True, the persecution against Jan did not last long. Authoritative composers stood up for him.

Despite the popularity and recognition of talent, Frenkel lived in a cramped, unsightly little room in a communal apartment. All residents of the communal apartment, without exception, knew about the birth of a new hit. As soon as the hit was born - Jan ran down the corridor and sang it.

With the onset of the 70s, he significantly strengthened his authority. The fact is that the artist won the competition for composing a new orchestral version of the anthem of the Soviet Union.

During this period of time, Frenkel also opened up as a talented arranger. It was easy for him to pick up cool melodies for films. Soviet directors lined up for Yan to have the honor of collaborating with him. The musician put his "hand" to more than 60 Soviet films. He became one of the brightest Soviet film composers.

Yan Frenkel: Biography of the artist
Yan Frenkel: Biography of the artist

He also loved to travel. From trips abroad, he tried to bring interesting and rare books. Over the years of creative activity, the artist has collected a good library.

Yan Frenkel: details of his personal life

He met his future chosen one during the war years. Natalya Melikova agreed to marry the artist despite the fact that he was a beggar. She went through all the "circles of hell" with the musician. In this union, the couple had a daughter.

The daughter gave Frenkel a grandson. She named him after her grandfather. The grandson followed in the footsteps of a famous relative. He became a musician. Jan Jr. works with the Band of the American Coast Guard Academy.

Death of Jan Frenkel


At the end of the 80s, doctors diagnosed the musician with cancer. The disease progressed rapidly. During this period of time, he, together with his family, decided to leave for Riga. On August 25, 1989, the artist died. His body rests at the Novodevichy cemetery.

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