Starting from scratch and reaching the top - this is how you can imagine Anton Savlepov, the favorite of the public. Most people know Anton Savlepov as a member of the Quest Pistols and Agon bands. Not so long ago, he also became an accomplice of the ORANG+UTAN vegan bar. By the way, he promotes veganism, yoga and loves esotericism. In 2021 […]
Anton Sawlepov
Today, the songs of the outrageous group Quest Pistols are on everyone's lips. Such performers are remembered immediately and for a long time. Creativity, which began with a banal April Fool's joke, has grown into an active musical direction, a significant number of "fans" and successful performances. The appearance of the group Quest Pistols in the Ukrainian show business At the beginning of 2007, no one imagined that the […]
"Agon" is a Ukrainian musical group, which was created in 2016. The soloists of the group are individuals who are not without fame. The soloists of the Quest Pistols group decided to change the musical trend, so from now on they work under the new creative pseudonym "Agon". The history of the creation and composition of the musical group Agon The date of birth of the musical group "Agon" is the beginning of 2016 […]