Evgeny Dmitrievich Doga was born on March 1, 1937 in the village of Mokra (Moldova). Now this area belongs to Transnistria. His childhood passed in difficult conditions, because it just fell on the period of the war. The boy's father died, the family was hard. He spent his free time with friends on the street, playing and looking for food. […]

Caesar Cui was noted as a brilliant composer, musician, teacher and conductor. He was a member of the "Mighty Handful" and became famous as a distinguished professor of fortification. The "Mighty Handful" is a creative community of Russian composers that developed in the cultural capital of Russia in the late 1850s and early 1860s. Kui is a versatile and extraordinary personality. He lived […]

Vladzyu Valentino Liberace (full name of the artist) is a famous American musician, performer and showman. In the 50-70s of the last century, Liberace was one of the highest-rated and highest-paid stars in America. He lived an incredibly rich life. Liberace participated in all sorts of shows, concerts, recorded an impressive number of records and was one of the most welcome guests of most […]

Mykola Lysenko made an undeniable contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture. Lysenko told the whole world about the beauty of folk compositions, he revealed the potential of author's music, and also stood at the origins of the development of theatrical art of his native country. The composer was one of the first to interpret Shevchenko's Kobzar and ideally did arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs. Childhood Maestro Date […]

Maurice Ravel entered the history of French music as an impressionist composer. Today, the brilliant compositions of Maurice are heard in the best theaters in the world. He also realized himself as a conductor and musician. Representatives of impressionism developed methods and techniques that allowed them to harmoniously capture the real world in its mobility and variability. This is one of the largest […]