Kravts (Pavel Kravtsov): Biography of the artist

Kravts is a popular rap artist. The popularity of the singer was brought by the musical composition "Reset".


The rapper's songs are distinguished by humorous overtones, and the image of Kravets himself is so close to the image of an ingenuous guy from the people.

The real name of the rapper sounds like Pavel Kravtsov. The future star was born in Tula, 1986. It is known that mother raised little Pasha alone. When the baby was barely 4 years old, his father left the family. The boy was 6 years old when he and his mother moved to Moscow.

How was Kravets' childhood and youth?

Mom was involved in the development of her child. Pavel attended a school with an English bias. He did well in school, and also at a young age began to show interest in music. Pavel entered a music school, where he learned to play the piano and clarinet.

The mother also took care of her son's higher education. She pushed Pavel to enter Moscow University, where he received the profession of manager and marketer. Naturally, he did not think about how to work in the profession. As Kravets later noted in his interviews, he received a diploma especially for his mother.

Pavel became interested in music when he was at school. At the age of 11, he wrote his first text. Pasha is interested in the hip-hop music genre. The young man is a fan of the tracks of Captain Jack, Eminem and other Western artists. Kravtsov continues to study music, and combines his passion with studying at the university.

Kravts: Biography of the artist
Kravts: Biography of the artist

The guy did not come from a rich family, so the young man also needed to earn extra money in order to at least help his mother a little. Kravts gets a job in an enterprise where his duties include feeding the fish. The next work is close to music. Kravtsov moonlights as a host in a nightclub.

Working in the club was not a positive experience for him. Soon, he realized that he wanted to take music more seriously, so he decided to leave the profession of a club presenter.

At the age of 17, the first serious track of the young rapper appeared. The musical composition "Factory" brings him the first share of popularity. "Factory": partly as a joke, partly as a provocation. In the song, he joked about the Star Factory project, and in particular about the rapper Timati, who got on stage by participating in this musical project.

Kravets was very lucky. After all, his track got on the radio. "Factory", like a virus, spread throughout all regions of the Russian Federation. Timati also heard the musical composition, writing an answer for Kravets as the track "The Answer".

Kravts: Biography of the artist
Kravts: Biography of the artist

The beginning of the musical career of the singer

Initially, Pavel does not see himself as a solo artist. Together with MC Check and Leo, they create the musical group "Swing". A certain Arthur, whose surname is still unknown, acted as a producer.

The guys have accumulated material for the creation of the first album. But due to incomprehensible coincidences, the materials disappeared along with the producer Arthur.

But it was this event that somewhat changed Kravtsov's plans. After that, he realized that he wanted to pursue a solo career. And certainly will not be engaged in marketing.

As Kravts notes, during this period he is in great conflict with his mother, who insists on a "more serious profession."

The release of the first album of rapper Kravts

In 2009, Kravts officially presents his first album, which received the modest name "Puff Naughty". The album was released on the record label BEATWORKS.

The debut disc included not many, not few, as many as 17 songs. Kravts managed to work with such performers as Alexander Panayotov, Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva.

Tahir Mammadov, a well-known resident of the Comedy Club, did a little work on the album. Shortly before the release of their debut album, young people get to know each other on vacation. Later, young people will also become neighbors in the area.

Tair shoots very worthy clips for Kravets. Several times Kravts took part in the works of Mammadov. Paul mostly gets episodic roles.

The participation of the rapper in the "Comedy Club"

Kravts increasingly began to appear on the set of the Comedy Club. He is on friendly terms with Alexander Zlobin.

The musical composition of Kravets "Not pumped, but milked" became the soundtrack for the film "8 First Dates". This song became a mini-description for the filmed tape.

Kravets has been working on the second disc for a long time. In 2011, the artist presents the album "Set of Associations". Just like the first disc, the album includes 17 musical compositions. Kravets manages to record tracks with such singers as Zagi Bok and 5 Pluh.

Kravtsov did not have to spend a lot of time promoting himself as a rap artist. After the release of two albums, real fame and recognition came to Kravets. Its audience consisted of teenagers and young adults.

A year later, the artist's new album was released, which was called "Boomerang". The main hit of the third album is the composition "Reset". The lyrical track explodes the network. Soon, a video for the track will be released on YouTube video hosting, which has gained about 3 million views.

Collaboration with colleagues

Kravts: Biography of the artist
Kravts: Biography of the artist

In the same 2012, Pavel became the founder of the Presnya Family project. Pavel Kravtsov founded the project with the aim of helping young performers get promoted. The first artist that Presnya Family started working with was Zhenya Didur (Paramoldah).

Kravts continues to develop himself as a solo artist. In his texts, he very skillfully ridicules social stereotypes. Most of his listeners note that there is no pathos in Paul's texts. But this is precisely what fascinates music lovers.

In 2014, Kravets' fourth studio album was released. The album is called "Fresh Relax". The musical compositions “There is no conflict”, “Penetrated by me”, “The world of banal truths”, “And I to her” - instantly become hits.

Kravets invited Zmey, Ivan Dorn, Panayotov, and also Slovetsky to record the fourth album. A very successful and "fresh" album becomes the best-selling work of the artist.

"Bad Romantic" is the fifth album of the Russian rapper. Pavel decides to dedicate his fifth work to tracks about relationships in all their manifestations. The musical compositions "Problem", "Not to Know Them" and "Elusive" occupy the first places in the music charts.

In 2016, Kravtsov expanded his circle of acquaintances. New tracks testify to this. With Tony Tonite, he performed the song "I would like to know", and together with Allj (Aljay) recorded the track "Disconnect".

Kravets now

Pavel Kravtsov, aka Kravts, never ceases to delight his fans with new musical compositions that have a deep meaning. The real hit of the Russian rapper was the musical composition "Marry Me", which the performer recorded together with the Degrees group.

In the spring of 2018, the singer will present the video clip "Tango Embracing". The clip was created in a humorous style. Tango Embracing has over 2 million views. The audience was captivated by the plot of the video clip.

Kravts promises to present the album "On the Same Street" in 2019. Now fans can enjoy the tracks "Hand on the Rhythm" and "Ice with Fire".

Rapper Kravets in 2021


Kravts and the Russian team "Degrees"presented to music lovers a joint musical composition" All Women of the World ". The track was released at the end of June 2021. The novelty mixes pop-rock perfectly with ethnic motifs.

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