The songs of the musical group "Degrees" are simple and at the same time sincere. Young artists gained a large army of fans after the first performance. In a matter of months, the team "climbed" to the top of the musical Olympus, securing the position of leaders. The songs of the group "Degrees" were liked not only by ordinary music lovers, but also by the directors of youth series. So, the tracks of the Stavropol […]

Kravts is a popular rap artist. The popularity of the singer was brought by the musical composition "Reset". The rapper's songs are distinguished by humorous overtones, and the image of Kravets himself is so close to the image of an ingenuous guy from the people. The real name of the rapper sounds like Pavel Kravtsov. The future star was born in Tula, 1986. It is known that mother raised little Pasha alone. When a baby […]