Misha Krupin: Biography of the artist

Misha Krupin is a bright representative of the Ukrainian rap school. He recorded compositions with such stars as Guf and Smokey Mo. Krupin's tracks were sung by Bogdan Titomir. In 2019, the singer released an album and a hit that claimed to be the singer's calling card.


Childhood and youth of Misha Krupin

Despite the fact that Krupin is a media personality, information about childhood and youth is unknown. It seems that more information can be found on the singer's Twitter, where he posts provocative posts daily.

Mikhail was born on May 4, 1981 on the territory of Kharkov. By nationality, Krupin is a Jew, about which he repeatedly wrote on Twitter. Misha began to get involved in music at an early age.

During his school years, Krupin sang "for sweets." Misha went to the confectionery store and sang his favorite songs, for which he was given sweets.

The boy attended a music school in the violin class, and then a music school. Krupin's taste in music has evolved over time. Initially, the guy "hung" on rock, and even dreamed of his own group.

At the music school, the young man met like-minded people - Kostya "Kotya" Zhuikov, Dilya (the TNMK team) and Black (the Killed by Rap group, now U.er.Askvad).

The first musical projects of Misha Krupin

Soon, Krupin's musical tastes changed. Mikhail took up rapping, and even created his own group "Uncle Vasya". But the initial source that aroused interest in this musical direction, Krupin calls the Outlaw group and the Indahouse festival.

Black even gave Krupin his first nickname Fog. Mikhail did not understand anything in rap, so the singer decided to honor him with such a nickname. Then Black and Zhuykov helped in recording the first tracks, as well as in organizing concerts.

A little later, Mikhail became the founder of a new project. We are talking about the cddtribe group. The team was replaced by the aforementioned Uncle Vasya project. The guys noticed. Their track hit the 1st position of the Ukrainian hit parades. The song "Old" was named the hit of the year.

Misha Krupin: Biography of the artist
Misha Krupin: Biography of the artist

At the same time, Krupin tried to open his own recording studio. Things got worse as the young man got tired of being torn between performances and the studio.

These were not the easiest times in Krupin's life. He was torn between Kiev and Kharkov to get money for his family. In 2006, Mikhail again visited Kyiv to sell the new album "Uncle Vasya". 

Unexpectedly, the rapper got to the Smokey Mo concert. After the performance, Krupin asked to return $50 to Smokey, which he borrowed from him several years ago. These $50 Krupin called "lucky". After them, the performer seemed to be “reanimated”.

In the personal biography of Mikhail there is a topic of drugs. The performer does not hide the fact that he was sitting on heavy drugs for a long time. He managed to get out of the loop. Today, Krupin can only afford a harmless vape.

Music by Mikhail Krupin

During the formation of Mikhail Krupin as a performer, Kharkov was the capital of Ukrainian rap. The press and "fans" call Krupin a legend and an idol of the rap movement. The singer says that he considers himself a holiday person and a showman.

Krupin does not hide that he considers himself a talented musician. In his tracks, he manages to combine obscene language, melodiousness and "naked" irony. These are the moments for which fans respect Mikhail's work.

In the hip-hop environment, Krupin is known as a battle participant, ghostwriter Bogdan Titomir. The rap party is famous thanks to the results of Mikhail's work with Timati, L'One, ST, Nel Marselle, Mot, Dzhigan.

Misha Krupin: Biography of the artist
Misha Krupin: Biography of the artist

Solo and joint tracks by Krupin

Krupin has long conquered the Internet space with his solo tracks. Fans especially highlight such musical compositions: “In the Arena”, “Whiskey with Ice”, “Road” and “My Cities”.

Everything is clear with Krupin's repertoire. And with videography it was not clear until 2011. Only in the mentioned year, Mikhail presented a video for the song "Indivisible". The video clip for Krupin was filmed by Yuri Bardash.

A year later, the artist's musical piggy bank was replenished with the track "Won't Fix", which became a real "gun". Many cover versions have been recorded for the song. In 2012, the video "Unsafe" (with the participation of Anna Sedokova) scored almost 7,5 million views on YouTube. The feature of the video was that the video clip was shot on a regular phone.

Another "tasty" musical novelty was the track "Yana". Guf took part in the recording of the musical composition. Fans highlighted the embossed and "unwiped" text. The musicians managed to ambiguously beat the name. The song was supposed to be included in Krupin's solo release.

In 2014, DJ Philchansky and DJ Daveed presented a mixtape, which consisted of 19 tracks "Stone Quarry". Our hero sounded in the company of colleagues MC Donnie, Davlad, Profit, Batishta and other MCs. In the same year, Mikhail told reporters that he would not sell the result of his writing.

Personal life of Mikhail Krupin

Little is known about Krupin's personal life. If you believe the records of journalists, then the singer is a father of many children. He has three children. Whether Michael is married or not is also unclear. By the way, on the Internet it is impossible to find a single photo with the image of the star's wife.

In some interviews, Krupin says that his wife's name is Vera, in others he laughs off the topic, saying that he is not married. If you look at Twitter, you can say that he is not indifferent to the fairer sex. Krupin devotes no less time to his youngest daughter.

Anna Sedokova in 2013 added questions to the artist's personal life. The star made a serious statement about the upcoming marriage with Mikhail. The musicians even managed to release a joint album. Later it turned out that all the loud statements regarding the wedding were nothing more than a PR move and a provocation.

Krupin's life is not limited to music and creativity. The singer is interested in photography, cycling and women. Mikhail practically does not listen to music and does not follow the success of popular American rappers.

Most often, Krupin performs for Kharkiv rap fans. Mikhail is sure that, apart from Ukraine and the CIS countries, his music is not popular. This fact does not upset the artist.

Misha Krupin: a period of active creativity

2017 turned out to be a year of discoveries and musical achievements for Krupin. It was this year that the performer, together with the rapper and sound producer, presented the joint album "City Rumors". The album was in the top 10 best works according to the Eatmusic publishing house. The idea of ​​recording a joint collection belonged to Krupin.

The performers dedicated the musical composition "Anna" to their beloved Kharkov, which they consider to be their musical alma mater. At the same time, Krupin announced that fans would soon enjoy the tracks of the artist's solo album.

In the same 2017, a battle between Krupin and beatmaker Mighty Dee took place in Kyiv. Krupin failed to win, but the “battle” turned out to be very worthy.

Misha Krupin: Corruption Project

“The Corruption group is a purely male project. But the essence of the team comes down to one thing - love and women. Women and love,” commented Misha Krupin. Before the release of the album on Krupin's Instagram, one could read the post: "Tomorrow a new album will be released, but this is not certain ...".

In May 2019, a collection of Misha Krupin's project was released (together with Yuri Bardash). The album was called "Cranes". The collection is no longer rap, but a little thug pop chanson with the successful hit "Red Velvet".

Misha Krupin: Biography of the artist
Misha Krupin: Biography of the artist

Soon a video clip was released for the track "Red Velvet". In a short period of time, the video clip has gained over 6 million views. Commentators have written bad reviews. But it was not without quibbles. One of the commentators said: “Everything that Bardash undertakes turns out to be a top, and Krupin is just a“ keychain ”...”.

In 2020, the Corruption group will hold a number of concerts on the territory of Ukraine. In addition, this year is notable for the release of a video clip for the track "Clouds". The video did not repeat the success of the track "Red Velvet".

Misha Krupin today

At the end of the last spring month of 2021, the premiere of the new clip "Corruption" took place. The video was called "Croupier". In the new track, Mikhail pleased the fans with a “delicious” pop composition with an eye on chanson and cabaret.

At the end of February 2022, Misha, as part of the Corruption project, released the track Sweeping. “A lyrical bossa nova about love and disappointment in a woman who is now with another.


Noir atmosphere, instrumental music and a poetic story about the feelings of Mikhail Krupin, ”the description of the artist’s new work says. Produced by Yuri Bardash. The author of the words is Mikhail Krupin, and Aminev Timur was responsible for the music.

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