Onuka (Onuka): Biography of the group

Five years have passed since the time when ONUKA "blew up" the music world with an extraordinary composition in the genre of electronic ethnic music. The team walks with a starry step across the stages of the best concert halls, winning the hearts of the audience and gaining an army of fans.


A brilliant combination of electronic music and melodic folk instruments, impeccable vocals and an unusual "cosmic" image of the group's soloist Natalia Zhizhchenko favorably distinguishes the group from other musical groups.

Each song of the group is a life story that makes you sincerely experience, think about its meaning. To show the beauty of the cultural heritage of Ukrainian folk music is the main goal of the team.

Biography of the soloist Natalia Zhizhchenko

Born in Chernihiv in a musical family on March 22, 1985, Natalia absorbed her love for folk music and song with her mother's milk. Grandfather, Alexander Shlenchik, a musician and a skilled craftsman of folk instruments, was madly in love with the baby.

He taught her and his older brother Alexander how to play instruments from early childhood. From the age of 4, she already played the sopilka (wind instrument in the form of a pipe), which her grandfather made especially for her. Grandmother was a singer and bandura player, mother and uncle were pianists.

The dynasty of musicians determined the formation of the girl. My father had nothing to do with music. He took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Education ONUKA

The childhood of the future star passed in Kyiv. During the years of study at the music school where her mother worked, she mastered not only the piano, but also the flute and violin.

Natalya graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal, having perfectly mastered several foreign languages.

Higher education in the specialty "Ethnographic culturologist, translator from Hungarian and manager of international, cultural cooperation" she received after graduating from the Kiev University of Culture and Art.

The creative activity of the singer

The touring life of the child began very early - at the age of 5. At the age of 9, she became a soloist in the brass band of the National Guard of Ukraine. At the age of 10, she won the New Names of Ukraine competition.

Since that time, her passion for music took place in a new direction - she composed small musical fragments on a synthesizer. However, tours in the genre of academic folk music continued until the age of 15.

Under the influence of her older brother Alexander (a musician, an adherent of electronic music), she became seriously interested in this style herself. At the age of 17, she became the soloist of the Tomato Jaws electronic group, created by her brother.

In 2008, in collaboration with musician Artyom Kharchenko, they created a new electronic music project "Doll". In it, the singer's voice was passed through an effects processor, achieving an unusual sound. During concerts, she played along on the synthesizer and folk instruments.

In 2013, Natalia decided to take up solo activities. The Tomato Jaws group, created by her brother, broke up with her departure.

Onuka (Onuka): Biography of the group
Onuka (Onuka): Biography of the group

In the summer of the same year, she began working with Evgeny Filatov, the lead singer of the Mannequin group. The joint creation of the ONUKA group project (translated as “Granddaughter”) brought unprecedented success.

We recorded the first album, where electronic music and bandura complemented each other in a fabulous way. The name of the group is not accidental. Grateful to her grandfather for teaching her music as a child, she insisted on the band's name.

For the group's performance at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 as an invited team, new costumes were specially sewn and a song was prepared in a new arrangement.

Skeptical of such competitions, she nevertheless forced to overcome this bias in herself and performed brilliantly during the break between the participants.

A talented person is talented in everything - Natalia writes music and lyrics, plays various instruments, sings in foreign languages. Her talent is multifaceted.


On July 22, 2016, fans of the ONUKA group were pleased with the news of the marriage of the soloist of the group with musician, composer, singer and producer Evgeny Filatov.

The couple looks so beautiful and harmonious that it causes general delight. Two great talents combined. This caused great doubt among skeptics about the duration and strength of the marriage.

Onuka (Onuka): Biography of the group
Onuka (Onuka): Biography of the group

But cooperation on stage connected them in life with strong bonds of marriage. Love, common interests, concerns, development of new ideas make them one of the most popular and successful creative couples.

The glory of the singer is not a star rain that suddenly fell on her. She has been doing this since early childhood. Persistence, diligence and, most importantly, talent led her to the pinnacle of fame.

Onuka (Onuka): Biography of the group
Onuka (Onuka): Biography of the group

Having achieved such stunning success, she does not stop at the achieved result, she is looking for new interesting ideas. Music for her chose the direction in creativity and in life.


Not imagining her life outside of creativity, Natalia says: "There will be no concerts - there will be no life." The Novoye Vremya magazine recognized her as one of the 100 successful women in Ukraine. This recognition is worth a lot.

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