Steppenwolf is a Canadian rock band active from 1968 to 1972. The band was formed in late 1967 in Los Angeles by vocalist John Kay, keyboardist Goldie McJohn and drummer Jerry Edmonton. History of the Steppenwolf Group John Kay was born in 1944 in East Prussia, and in 1958 moved with his family […]

Vladimir Shakhrin is a Soviet, Russian singer, musician, composer, and also the soloist of the Chaif ​​musical group. Most of the group's songs are written by Vladimir Shakhrin. Even at the beginning of Shakhrin's creative career, Andrey Matveev (a journalist and a big fan of rock and roll), having heard the musical compositions of the band, compared Vladimir Shakhrin with Bob Dylan. Childhood and youth of Vladimir Shakhrin Vladimir […]

The End of the Film is a rock band from Russia. The guys announced themselves and their musical preferences in 2001 with the release of their debut album Goodbye, Innocence! By 2001, the tracks "Yellow Eyes" and a cover version of the track by the group Smokie Living Next Door to Alice ("Alice") were already playing on Russian radio. The second "portion" of popularity […]

Epidemia is a Russian rock band that was created in the mid-1990s. The founder of the group is a talented guitarist Yuri Melisov. The band's first concert took place in 1995. Music critics attribute the tracks of the Epidemic group to the direction of power metal. The theme of most musical compositions is related to fantasy. The release of the debut album also fell on 1998. The mini-album was called […]

U-Piter is a rock band founded by the legendary Vyacheslav Butusov after the collapse of the Nautilus Pompilius group. The musical group united rock musicians in one team and presented music lovers with the work of a completely new format. History and composition of the Yu-Piter group The date of foundation of the musical group "U-Piter" fell on 1997. It was this year that the leader and founder of […]

The rock band Green Day was formed in 1986 by Billie Joe Armstrong and Michael Ryan Pritchard. Initially, they called themselves Sweet Children, but two years later the name was changed to Green Day, under which they continue to perform to this day. It happened after John Allan Kiffmeyer joined the group. According to the band's fans, […]