Yulia Rai (Yuliya Bodai): Biography of the singer

Yulia Ray is a Ukrainian performer, lyricist, musician. She loudly declared herself back in the "zero" years. At that time, the singer's tracks were sung, if not by the whole country, then definitely by the representatives of the weaker sex. The most trendy track of that time was called "Richka". The work hit the hearts of Ukrainian music lovers. The composition is also known under the "folk" name "Dvіchi in one river do not go".

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Childhood and youth of Yulia Rai

The artist's date of birth is December 25, 1983. She was born on the territory of one of the most colorful Ukrainian cities - Lviv. She was brought up in a family that had the most distant relation to creativity. Although, decent music often sounded in Yulia's house.

The main hobby of her childhood years was music. Rai was indeed very vociferous. She loved to perform on stage, and even arranged impromptu concerts at her home, which were held in a warm circle of relatives and close friends.

Parents supported their daughter in her creative endeavors, so they took her to a music school. In an educational institution, Julia learned to play the piano. In the 5th grade, the girl became a member of the local church choir "Cherubim". By the way, the choir consisted of seven dozen people.

Together with Cherubim, she learned what it is like to perform in front of a large audience. Yuliya Ray as a member of the church choir performed not only in her native Ukraine, but also in Poland and Slovakia. The artist took a frantic pleasure from what she was doing.

Yulia Rai (Yuliya Bodai): Biography of the singer
Yulia Rai (Yuliya Bodai): Biography of the singer

Rai speaks warmly of her grandmother, thanks to whom she got into the church choir. The grandmother of a talented Ukrainian in every possible way instilled in her the right upbringing, and even took her granddaughter to the school of aesthetic education.

“I once told my parents that I would never stop making music. Creativity for me was like oxygen for all living beings. My parents did not refuse me - they supported my decision.

To all the talents of Yulia, you can add the fact that she studied well in high school. After graduating from an educational institution, Rai applied to the Lviv National University of Foreign Languages. Having chosen the faculty of English philology for herself, she did not leave music. Alas, the artist never received a higher education at this university.

A little later, she decided to finish what she started, but already in another educational institution. She moved to the capital of Ukraine, and became a student at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Julia preferred the faculty of directing and acting.

The creative path of Yulia Rai

At the age of 16, she composes a piece of music that glorified her throughout Ukraine. We are talking about the composition "Richka". We quote Julia's interview:

"As for "Richka", I wrote a piece of music, probably, when I was 16. I fell in love with a young man who did not understand what a treasure I could be for him. I decided to take revenge, to write a track. This is such a not quite shared love, and then it became love, and later we ran away. This composition is about first love...".

Sometimes people think that this is a folk song at all. The singer is definitely flattered, but at the same time, the track can really be called "folk". At one time, the composition sounded in all sorts of places - from apartments to dance floors in small villages.

After the release of the presented work, Rai begins to actively tour. In the late 90s, she performed at the Song Vernissage'99 festival with her famous composition. At this event, a previously unknown artist receives the title of diploma.

For this period of time, studies at the University of Kyiv fall. One of the most striking events of that time was the performance on the territory of sunny Rome in 2001.

Note that then she organized a charity event for Mother's Day for Ukrainians living in Italy. The performance of the Ukrainian "nightingale" made a great impression on the emigrants.

"Performing in Italy was a very important event for me. I understood that there were Ukrainians in a foreign country who had to leave their families to improve their financial situation. I was worried along with those who came to the concert. I remember that many had tears in their eyes. I experienced these emotions with them...", - said Yulia.

Signing a contract with Lavina Music

Then a very serious offer awaited her. Representatives of the label Lavina Music came to her and offered to conclude a contract. She decided to sign a cooperation agreement.

Reference: "Lavina music" is a Ukrainian label of the musical holding "Lavina", a member of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI). Engaged in the creation and production of musical projects, as well as releases of popular Ukrainian bands and artists.

In 2006, the premiere of the artist's full-length LP took place. The collection was called "Richka". The album was topped by the track of the same name. His popularity was not “surpassed” by the rest of the compositions, but from among the works presented, the fans singled out the songs: “Mom!”, “On my own”, “You from the other planet” and “Wind”.

Julia Rai tours a lot. Her performances are held with a large house and full houses. Despite the heavy workload, she finds time to record another LP. The singer pleases fans with the information that the release of the new collection will take place in a year.

In 2007, the premiere of the artist's second studio album took place. Longplay was called "You will love me." As in the case of the debut album, the album was headed by lyrical works at their best.

At the moment, her repertoire includes about four dozen compositions. Incidentally, it was Rai who translated Ruslana's track "Dance with the Wolves" from English into Ukrainian. "Wild Dances" - the hit of the international song contest "Eurovision" also did not do without Rai's help. Let us recall that half of the Ukrainian version of this work was written by her.

Julia Rai: details of the singer's personal life

In 2009, she moved to Australia. The actress married an Australian. She is sensitive to her personal life, so she is not ready to share this information with fans.

Interesting facts about the singer

  • She wrote her main hit, “River,” in 15 minutes.
  • She loves spring wildflowers.
  • Julia loves the works of P. Coelho.
  • The work of Vladimir Ivasyuk - pushed her to self-realization.
  • My favorite dish is Ukrainian borscht.
Yulia Rai (Yuliya Bodai): Biography of the singer
Yulia Rai (Yuliya Bodai): Biography of the singer

Julia Rai: our days

After changing her place of residence, she did not leave creativity. Julia continued to perform on stage. Rai does not limit himself to any limits, and sings with pleasure at corporate events and festive celebrations.

Not so long ago, she took part in The X Factor (Australia). According to the singer, the judges and the audience for some reason considered her exotic. What it is connected with is a mystery.

In addition, after moving to another country, she got a job as a radio host. Also, her plans included the opening of a confectionery, but it did not “grow together”.

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