STEFAN (STEFAN): Biography of the artist

STEFAN is a popular musician and singer. From year to year he proved that he deserved to represent Estonia at the international song contest. In 2022, his cherished dream came true - he will go to Eurovision. Recall that this year the event, thanks to the victory of the group "Maneskinwill be held in Turin, Italy.

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Childhood and youth of Stefan Hayrapetyan

The artist's date of birth is December 24, 1997. He was born in the territory of Viljandi (Estonia). It is known that Armenian blood flows in his veins. The artist's parents previously lived in Armenia. The guy has a sister with a similar name. The girl's name is Stephanie. In one of his posts, Hayrapetyan addressed her:

“Sister, we were always friends with you in childhood. I remember when we were little, we were not allowed to offend us. We were a real team. You were my role model and you still are. I will always be there."

He was brought up in a strict and intelligent family. The boy's parents have nothing to do with creativity, but when Stefan began to take an interest in music, they supported his zeal.

Hayrapetyan has been singing professionally since childhood. He sang under the guidance of his teacher. The teacher set up relatives that Stefan had a great future.

In 2010, the guy took part in the Laulukarussell rating music competition. The event allowed Stefan to prove himself well and go to the final. From that moment on, he will appear more than once at various music competitions and projects.

STEFAN (STEFAN): Biography of the artist
STEFAN (STEFAN): Biography of the artist

The creative path of the singer STEFAN

Since he took up music, participation in music competitions has become an integral part of his life. A charismatic guy often left song events as a winner.

Thus, Stefan took part in Eesti Laul four times, but won the first place only once. His numbers shocked the audience with sincerity, and the ability to present musical material made him not miss a single word.

Reference: Eesti Laul is the national selection competition in Estonia for participation in Eurovision. The national selection in 2009 came to replace Eurolaul.

So far, the artist’s discography is deprived of a full-length LP as of 2022). He presented his debut recording in a duet with Vaje. With the piece Laura (Walk with Me), he took an honorable third place in the Eesti Laul final.

In 2019, at the national selection, the singer pleased with the sensual performance of the track Without You. Note that then, he also took third place. A year later, he again attended the song event. Stefan did not give up, because even then he set a lofty goal - to go to Eurovision. In 2020, the artist presented the track By My Side on the stage of Eesti Laul. Alas, the work took only seventh place.

As for non-competitive tracks, the musical compositions of Better Days, We'll Be Fine, Without You, Oh My God, Let me Know and Doomino will help to get acquainted with Stefan's work.

Stefan Hayrapetyan: details of his personal life

He is kind to his family. In social networks, he devotes entire posts to loved ones with gratitude. Stefan thanks his parents for the right upbringing. He spends a lot of time with his mom.

As for love affairs, for a given period of time, the artist's heart is busy. He is in a relationship with a charming blonde named Victoria Koitsaar. She supports Stefan in his work.

"I have an absolutely amazing woman. She is sweet, kind, smart, sexy. Victoria is caring and will always support me. I love her," the artist captioned a photo of his beloved.

The couple actually spends a lot of time together. They travel a lot and like to visit restaurants, discovering new dishes. Stefan's girlfriend is a dance teacher. She has been choreographing since childhood.

Interesting facts about the singer STEFAN

  • He trains regularly. A loving girl motivated him for sports.
  • Stefan is proud to have been born in Estonia. The artist's dream is to glorify his country.
  • Favorite musical instrument is the guitar.
  • He graduated from Mashtots Tartu - Tallinn.
  • Favorite color is yellow, favorite dish is pasta, favorite drink is coffee.
STEFAN (STEFAN): Biography of the artist
STEFAN (STEFAN): Biography of the artist

STEFAN: Eurovision 2022

In mid-February 2022, the Eesti Laul-2022 final took place at Saku Suurhall. 10 artists took part in the song contest. According to the results of the voting, STEFAN took the first place. The victory was brought to him by the work HOPE. It is with this track that he will go to Turin.

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"It seemed to me that this victory... was not only mine, but the whole of Estonia. When the voting results were announced, I felt how the whole of Estonia supported me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is something unreal. I will do everything possible to bring first place from Turin. Let's show Eurovision how cool Estonia is...", Stefan addressed his fans after the victory.

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