ASAP Mob (Asap Mob): Biography of the group

ASAP Mob is a rap group, the embodiment of the American dream. The gang was organized in 1006. The team includes rappers, designers, sound producers. The first part of the name consists of the initial letters of the phrase "Always strive and prosper". Harlem rappers have achieved success, and each of them is an accomplished personality. Even individually, they will be able to successfully continue their musical career.


Where did the path of musicians begin?

Each of the guys has their own story. Life for most of the participants was not smooth. But, they managed to rise from the bottom and achieve dizzying success. They proved that hard work on oneself can take you to the heights of success.

ASAP Mob: ASAP Rocky

One of the founders and producer ASAP Rocky - the most popular and recognizable figure of the group. His skillful promotional approach landed him a contract with renowned recording label Sony Music Entertainment. He invested half of the proceeds in the creation of the label (about $ 1,5 million). 

ASAP Mob (Asap Mob): Biography of the group
ASAP Mob (Asap Mob): Biography of the group

The guy knows how to advertise himself. He goes to fashion shows, collaborates with other artists, wears fashion brands, gives interviews to the media. But, other guys do not lag behind him, investing in the development of the group and advertising.

ASAP Mob: Yams

All promotion and public relations are on the shoulders of Yams. The gang owes their existence to him. The guy thoroughly studied hip-hop, all its features, what the listener pays the most attention to, all the pitfalls of the industry. According to him, music is 95% business. The rest is art. But, he believed that music should not focus on large masses. It has room for experimentation.

The guy grew up in Harlem. Yams began his musical management at a very young age (16 years old). Already at that time, he clearly formed a vision of his future life path. He planned to form a band in the future. 

The teenager got himself a tattoo, with the notorious phrase "Always strive and prosper". The words and tattoo are mentioned in his song "Peso". After gathering the gang, he managed to create his own wave of hip-hop, and shoot when the public was ready to accept this trend. Unfortunately, the rise of the guy was short-lived. He died of a drug overdose at the age of 26.

ASAP Mob (Asap Mob): Biography of the group
ASAP Mob (Asap Mob): Biography of the group

ASAP Mob: Ferg

Ferg made no less contribution than Rocky to the development of the band. He is a great artist, and if he leaves the band, the band will sound much worse.

From an early age, the guy was fond of fashion. His family owned a fashion boutique. As a teenager, he began attending art school. Then Ferg launched his line of jewelry and clothing. The fashion line was liked by many celebrities. 

Later, he decided to try himself in the musical field. He made his first musical steps with Rocky. But, the video for his solo composition "Work" brought him fame.

Passion for fashion accessories and clothing united almost all members of the gang. The guys pay attention not only to the sound of the compositions, but also to their appearance.

ASAP Mob:Nast

Cousin Rocky tried to build a career as a rapper on his own, but at first, his original songs were not successful. The songs are notable for complex rhymes, and have similarities with east coast motifs. Nast, in order to earn at least some money, worked in a shoe store. Success came when he joined the ASAP Mob gang.

ASAP Mob: Twelvyy

Twelvyy joined the team in 2006. His nickname means 12 - the code for the area where he grew up. He is a big fan of 50 Cent, Jay-Z and it shows in his work. After joining the gang, the guy records joint songs with the members of the team. And six months later, his debut album "12" was released.

ASAP Mob (Asap Mob): Biography of the group
ASAP Mob (Asap Mob): Biography of the group

Ascent of the team to the creative Olympus

Since the formation of the gang, the guys have been hard at work on the release of new songs. At first, single projects of individual participants were more popular. They started talking about the hip-hop group in 2011, after the release of videos for the songs "Peso", "Purple and Swag".

The first project was presented to the public in 2012, called "Lords Never Worry". Critics rated the work of the guys differently. Some of them spoke disapprovingly of the project. The second attempt was the album “Long. live. A$AP", released almost a year later. 

Finally, the work of the guys was appreciated. In 7 days, since the release of the album, 139 thousand copies have been sold. It hit number one on the Billboard 200 Chart.

In 2013, the guys started recording another album. Before its release, the single "Trillmatic" was presented to the public. In 2015, on January 18, one of the gang members, Yams, dies. Although the official cause was listed as an overdose, fellow artists claim that death was due to asphyxia. In 2016, the band dedicated the album "Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends" to a deceased member of the ASAP Yams gang.

 After such a loss, the guys did not give up, and work tirelessly. In 2020, another blow was expected on the team. Another Snacks member has died. The cause of death is not named.


Family dramas, a difficult path to the top, and even failures are part of all the misadventures that have fallen on gang members in the past. But, they managed to achieve a dream by working hard to realize it, not giving up under the pressure of trouble.

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