Encyclopedia of Music | Band biographies | Artist biographies

Nikolai Noskov spent most of his life on the big stage. Nikolai has repeatedly said in his interviews that he can easily perform thieves' songs in the chanson style, but he will not do this, since his songs are the maximum of lyricism and melody. Over the years of his musical career, the singer has decided on the style of […]

Throughout the history of pop music, there are many musical projects that fall under the category of "supergroup". These are the cases when famous performers decide to unite for further joint creativity. For some, the experiment is successful, for others not so much, but, in general, all this always arouses genuine interest in the audience. Bad Company is a typical example of such an enterprise […]

Toto (Salvatore) Cutugno is an Italian singer, songwriter and musician. The world-wide recognition of the singer brought the performance of the musical composition "L'italiano". Back in 1990, the singer became the winner of the Eurovision international music contest. Cutugno is a real discovery for Italy. The lyrics of his songs, the fans parse into quotes. The childhood and youth of the performer Salvatore Cutugno Toto Cutugno was born […]

The Butyrka group is one of the most popular musical groups in Russia. They actively conduct concert activities, and try to please their fans with new albums. Butyrka was born thanks to the talented producer Alexander Abramov. At the moment, Butyrka's discography consists of more than 10 albums. The history of the creation and composition of the Butyrka team The history of the Butyrka […]

Music critics note that Alexander Panayotov's voice is unique. It was this uniqueness that allowed the singer to so rapidly climb to the top of the musical Olympus. The fact that Panayotov is really talented is evidenced by the many awards that the performer received over the years of his musical career. Childhood and youth Panayotov Alexander was born in 1984 in a […]

"There's a beautiful thing about music: when it hits you, you don't feel pain." These are the words of the great singer, musician and composer Bob Marley. During his short life, Bob Marley managed to earn the title of the best reggae singer. The artist's songs are known by heart by all his fans. Bob Marley became the "father" of the musical direction […]