Nargiz Zakirova is a Russian singer and rock musician. She gained massive popularity after participating in the Voice project. Her unique musical style and image could not be repeated by more than one domestic artist. In the life of Nargiz there were ups and downs. The stars of domestic show business call the performer simply - Russian Madonna. Video clips of Nargiz, thanks to artistry and charisma […]

“The boy wants to go to Tambov” is the visiting card of the Russian singer Murat Nasyrov. His life was cut short when Murat Nasyrov was at the peak of his popularity. The star of Murat Nasyrov lit up on the Soviet stage very quickly. For a couple of years of musical activity, he was able to achieve some success. Today, the name of Murat Nasyrov sounds like a legend to most music lovers […]

Dan Balan has come a long way from an unknown Moldovan artist to an international star. Many did not believe that the young performer could succeed in music. And now he performs on the same stage with singers such as Rihanna and Jesse Dylan. Balan's talent could "freeze" without developing. The young boy's parents were interested […]

The combination is a Soviet and then Russian pop group, founded in 1988 in Saratov by the talented Alexander Shishinin. The musical group, which consisted of attractive soloists, became a real sex symbol of the USSR. The voices of the vocalists came from apartments, cars and discos. It is rare that a musical group can boast of the fact that […]

Alexander Serov - Soviet and Russian singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He deserved the title of a sex symbol, which he manages to maintain even now. The endless novels of the singer add a drop of oil to the fire. In the winter of 2019, Daria Druzyak, a former participant in the reality show Dom-2, announced that she was expecting a child from Serov. Musical compositions by Alexander […]

Toto (Salvatore) Cutugno is an Italian singer, songwriter and musician. The world-wide recognition of the singer brought the performance of the musical composition "L'italiano". Back in 1990, the singer became the winner of the Eurovision international music contest. Cutugno is a real discovery for Italy. The lyrics of his songs, the fans parse into quotes. The childhood and youth of the performer Salvatore Cutugno Toto Cutugno was born […]