Teodor Currentzis (Teodor Currentzis): Biography of the artist

Conductor, talented musician, actor and poet Teodor Currentzis is known all over the world today. He became famous as the artistic director of musicAeterna and the Dyashilev fest, the conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the Southwestern Radio of Germany.


Childhood and youth Teodor Currentzis

The artist's date of birth is February 24, 1972. He was born in Athens (Greece). Theodore's main childhood hobby was music. Already at the age of four, caring parents sent their child to a music school. He learned to play the keyboard and violin.

Theodora's mother worked as a vice-rector of the conservatory. Today, the artist recalls that every morning he woke up to the sounds of the piano. He was brought up on the "correct" music. Classical works were often played in the Currentzis house.

As a teenager, the young man graduated from the conservatory, choosing the theoretical faculty for himself. A year later, Theodore completed an intensive keyboard course. Then he decided to master another field - he takes vocal lessons.

In the early 90s, the young man assembled his first orchestra, whose musicians delighted the audience with an unsurpassed playing of classical music. Theodor personally formed the repertoire and for four years tried to push the orchestra to the best concert venues in the world. But, soon the musician came to the conclusion that he lacked the knowledge to promote the band.

Theodore listened to the classical works of Russian composers. At this stage, he decided to move to the Russian Federation in order to conquer the sophisticated audience with his game. The artist entered the course of Ilya Musin at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The teachers predicted a good musical future for Theodore.

Teodor Currentzis (Teodor Currentzis): Biography of the artist
Teodor Currentzis (Teodor Currentzis): Biography of the artist

The creative path of Teodor Currentzis

After moving to Russia, Teodor collaborated for a long time with the talented V. Spivakov, as well as with the orchestra, which at that time was actively touring the world.

Then he joined the P. Tchaikovsky Orchestra, with whom, in fact, he also skated a big tour. A new page in Theodore's creative biography was the work of a conductor in the capital's theater.

Theodore, throughout his career, was a lot of "active". He visited an unrealistic number of festivals and international competitions. This helped the musician not only strengthen his authority at the international level, but also increase the number of fans.

Teodor Currentzis activities at Music Aeterna

During Theodore's work in provincial Novosibirsk, he became the "father" of the orchestra. His brainchild was called Music Aeterna. In the same period of time, he also founded a chamber choir. The presented associations became known all over the world. By the way, at the Opera and Ballet Theater of the city of Novosibirsk, he made his debut with a production of several ballets.

Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Aida" should be attributed to the best performances of the early period. The work brought Theodore unheard of success. A few years later, he was awarded the Golden Mask Award. In the same period of time, the artist presented another work to the court of fans and experts. It's about the opera Cinderella.

It is impossible to pass by and not note Theodore's contribution to the production of "Requiem". The conductor changed the usual sound of individual parts. His experiment did not go unnoticed by international music critics, who, by the way, sang odes to his talent.

In 2011, he was appointed artistic director of the Opera and Ballet Theater in Perm. Some of the musicians of the orchestra founded by Theodore followed their mentor, moving to a Russian provincial town. It was a great honor for the conductor to work at the P. Tchaikovsky Theater.

Teodor Currentzis (Teodor Currentzis): Biography of the artist
Teodor Currentzis (Teodor Currentzis): Biography of the artist

Teodor Currentzis continued to operate in Russia. According to Teodor, his love for Russian culture, creativity and society has no boundaries. The talent of the conductor and his services to the state did not go unnoticed by the rulers. In 2014, the artist received citizenship.

Almost the entire 2017 Theodor devoted to tour activities. Together with his orchestra, he traveled all over the world. In the same year, he visited the St. Petersburg Philharmonic of Dmitry Shostakovich. The schedule of performances of the conductor and his orchestra is scheduled months in advance.

A couple of years later, it became known that the Perm Theater terminated the contract with the conductor. The artist said that he did not regret his departure, since the rehearsal base for theater artists leaves much to be desired. A year later, Theodore opened the Diaghilev Fest.

The personal life of an artist

Theodore was always willing to make contact with journalists. The man was married. His chosen one was a girl of a creative profession named Yulia Makhalina.

Then the relationship of young people was “frayed” not only by journalists, but also by fans. It was a really strong union, but, alas, it did not bring happiness to either Theodore or Julia. No children were born in the family. Soon, journalists learned that the artist was again listed as a bachelor.

Interesting facts about the artist Teodor Currentzis

  • Theodore says that he is demanding not only to himself, but also to others. The artist said that for a long time he could not find a suitable photographer. As a result, he began to cooperate with Sasha Muravyova.
  • He participated in the creation of the YS-UZAC perfume.
  • The artist leads a healthy lifestyle. An integral part of his life is proper nutrition and moderate exercise.
  • Theodore has a brother who also realized himself in the creative profession. A relative of the conductor composes music - he is a composer.
  • Teodor is one of the highest paid conductors in Russia. For example, during the opening of the Diaghilev Fest, his fee amounted to about 600 thousand rubles.

Teodor Currentzis: our days

In 2019, he moved to the cultural capital of Russia. The conductor brought with him the musicians of the Musica Aеterna orchestra. The guys held rehearsals on the basis of the Radio House. This year has not gone unnoticed. The musicians of the orchestra pleased the fans with the best examples of classical pieces.

Theodor dilutes the orchestra's repertoire with new compositions. In early spring 2020, the premiere of the first recording of Beethoven's anthology took place. Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, some of the Musica Aeterna concerts have been postponed.


The conductor, together with his orchestra, held a concert at the Zaryadye Concert Hall in 2021. The conductor dedicated his first performances to Russian composers.

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