$asha Tab is a Ukrainian singer, musician, lyricist. He is associated as an ex-member of the Back Flip group. Not so long ago, Alexander Slobodyanik (real name of the artist) began a solo career. He managed to record a track with the Kalush group and Skofka, as well as release a full-length LP.
Childhood and youth of Alexander Slobodyanik
The artist's date of birth is October 1, 1987. Alexander Slobodjanik was born in the very heart of Ukraine - Kyiv. Sasha's parents were directly related to the fine arts. They worked as artists. But not everything was so colorful. According to the artist, "fun" companies often gathered at their home. "I grew up in a farce, drinking and scandals," says the singer.
In an interview, the artist said that he was diagnosed with asthenia. At birth, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the head. In turn, this affected the state of the central nervous system. According to Sasha, even today it is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time.
School years passed as recklessly and cheerfully as possible. At school, he could not sit in one place (apparently, asthenia had already made itself felt). He was a doppelgänger.
Slobodyanik speaks of himself as a person of fine mental organization. In her school years, a teacher of foreign literature uttered the phrase: "You are not worth my buttons." According to Sasha, it was hard for him to digest this phrase, and he worked himself up for a long time.
"Soviet teachers were trained to mock, to not want to understand why a child was like that. I think that this created resentment and self-doubt. Then it resulted in me going wild. I started taking illegal drugs. I was often told that I was bad. When I started taking drugs, I kind of began to confirm this status. I myself believed that I was bad," says Sasha Tab.

$asha Tab artist's drug problems
Even before he took the "slippery road" - Tab was a break dancer (apparently, that's when his love for music came). He lived in Podil, and constantly encountered marginal people. They tried to break Tab, and in the end, it worked. The guy got hooked on glue. Then, he got involved with bad guys, and started doing things that today make him break out in a cold sweat.
Today, the artist has completely abandoned the "habit". Sasha Tab goes to the gym and tries to lead a healthy lifestyle. He gave himself a year to “tie up” with his past life.
After receiving a matriculation certificate, Sasha applied to the university. He trained as a graphic designer. By the way, he was “turned back” by the profession.
The work of $asha Tab in the Back Flip team
In 2011, Sasha Tab became part of the Ukrainian team Back Flip. In addition to him, Vanya Klimenko and Sergey Soroka were included. The musicians recorded the first tracks in an ordinary Kyiv apartment.
A few years later, the artists dropped their debut LP, which was called "Tree". "Back Flip" worked on the creation of the LP for two years, and in the year of release, they still managed to present a really worthy musical product. During this period of time they toured a lot, and worked on the second studio album.
In 2014, the band's discography was replenished with the disc "Dim". On the title track of the collection in the same year, the premiere of the video took place. The album was warmly received by the "fans". Then came the creative crisis.
Sasha Tab was in limbo, because he did not understand where to go next. Then they switched to Rookodill (Vanya Klimenko's label). In 2016, the musicians presented a bright video for the song "I Can't Know".
Decline in the group's popularity
GraduallyBack somersault' began to fade. At first, Sasha Tab blamed everyone except himself for this. But now he thinks differently. “I can’t listen to the old songs of the group, because I understand that I didn’t put my soul into them. I just sang on the machine. I could have done much cooler and with soul. ”
The artist is sure that “Back Flip” has ceased to develop, since the management has ceased to invest funds and efforts to promote the project. Sasha Tab came to Klimenko and offered him to transfer the group into the hands of the producers.
"It was a difficult topic for Vanya Klimenko. He raised the band as his own brainchild. Vanya said that in a couple of years the band would reach some level. At that time I thought that it would be better if Salto Nadba passed into other hands. I was depressed because I performed little and used drugs a lot," Tab says.
Klimenko tried to sell the project to the producers, but no one wanted to take on the promotion of the group. The producers said something like: "Guys, the product is very cool, but this is not the kind of cart that can go by itself."
Soon the release of the album "Children" took place. As it turned out, this is the band's farewell record. The musicians noted that the collection was ready a few years ago.
Participation of Sasha Taba in the "Back Flip" in the national selection for "Eurovision"
In 2017, "Back Flip" took part in the National selection "Eurovision". The musicians managed to make the most pleasant impression on the audience and the audience.
They performed the song "Oh Mamo". The artists managed to reach the final. “The composition “Oh, Mamo” is a note to oneself that one should not forget about the importance of family relationships,” the members of the band said about the main urge of the track. Alas, in 2017 he went to Ukraine O.Torvald.
Sasha Taba's solo career and participation in the "Voice of the Country"
In 2021, he appeared on the stage of the musical project "Voice of the Country". At the same time, he spoke about the fact that he started a career in a group, and today he positions himself as a solo artist.
“The constant internal crisis, lack of self-confidence since childhood, resentment, fear, laziness, constant depression, addiction, the death of a close friend of mine, all this is just a small part of what happened in my life over these couple of years ... but now I start life from a clean page,” explained Sasha Tab.
On stage, he presented the musical work "Oh, Mom." His vocal abilities impressed several judges at once. Armchairs to Sasha were turned by Nadya Dorofeeva and Monatic. Alas, he failed to reach the final.
Sasha Tab: details of his personal life
He is married to Yulia Slobodyanik. She works as a decorator. The couple has a daughter and a son. Sasha is immensely grateful to his wife for female wisdom and acceptance of him with all the shortcomings.
There was a period when Taba could not be included in the list of decent family men. He tried to leave his family. He frankly spoke to Julia about his betrayals, drank a lot and used drugs. The wife managed to believe in her husband, accept and "work through" his mistakes.
"She is so much on a different level now, in complete acceptance. She is a very strong personality. Yulia is my example. She believed that everything would change...", the artist comments.
$asha Tab: interesting facts about the singer
- At the age of 20, he "lost" his front tooth while drinking. Since then, in place of the fallen one - gold. By the way, the “golden” tooth has become the highlight of the artist.
- There are many tattoos on his body - with and without meaning.
- He loves the work of Micah, Bob Marley, Young Thug, J Hus, Dave.
- His son Solomon loves listening to Morgenstern tracks. Tab treat this hobby calmly.

$asha Tab: today
In 2021, he dropped his debut full-length album. The record was called ReFresh. "ReFresh is a shock dose of vitamins and dopamine. It has everything we were missing: subtle banter, parody of different musical genres, individual artists and fashion trends," write music experts. The author of the music for the album was beatmaker Syr. On the feats: XXV Kadr and Kalush.
The song "Sonyachna" deserves special attention, which gained more than half a million views in a couple of weeks. "Kalush" and Skofka took part in the recording of the work.