Zheka Fatbelly is an ambiguous personality, and this makes it even more attractive. Zhenis Omarov (real name) is a celebrity blogger, creative entrepreneur and more recently a rapper. Zhenis managed to achieve significant heights in business and creativity. He does not depend on his parents. He managed to create his own status. Zheka Fatbelly was sure […]

Kara Kross is a scandalous blogger, actress and singer. She has a multimillion-dollar army of fans. She interested her audience with charisma, provocations and interesting videos with a simple plot. Childhood of Kara Kross Karina Lazaryants was born on October 25, 1992 in Moscow. According to Karina, she never sat still. From preschool […]

"Tomorrow I'll Throw" is a pop-punk band from Tyumen. Musicians relatively recently took up the conquest of the musical Olympus. The soloists of the group "Tomorrow I'll Throw" began to actively win fans of heavy music since 2018. "Tomorrow I'll quit": the history of the creation of the team The history of the creation of the team dates back to 2018. Talented Valery Steinbock stands at the origins of the creative group. At […]

The collective with the creative name "Yorsh" is a Russian rock band, which was created in 2006. The founder of the group still manages the group, and the composition of the musicians has changed several times. The guys worked in the genre of alternative punk rock. In their compositions, the musicians touch on various topics - from personal to acute social, and even political. Although the frontman of the Yorsh group frankly speaks […]

The Residents are one of the most enigmatic bands on the modern music scene. The mystery lies in the fact that the names of all members of the group are still unknown to fans and music critics. Moreover, no one saw their faces, as they perform on stage in masks. Since the creation of the group, the musicians have adhered to their image. […]

Capital T is one of the brightest representatives of rap culture from the Balkans. He is interesting because he performs compositions in Albanian. Capital T began his creative activity in adolescence with the support of his uncle. The childhood and youth of the singer Trim Ademi (real name of the rapper) was born on March 1, 1992 in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. […]