Journalists and fans of Valery Syutkin's work awarded the singer the title of "the main intellectual of the domestic show business." Valery's star lit up in the early 90s. It was then that the performer was part of the Bravo musical group. The performer, together with his group, gathered full halls of fans. But the time has come when Syutkin said Bravo - Chao. Solo career as a […]

It is better to ask fans about Assai's work. One of the commentators under the video clip of Alexei Kosov wrote: "Smart lyrics in the frame of live music." More than 10 years have passed since Assai's debut disc "Other Shores" appeared. Today Alexey Kosov has taken a leading position in the niche of the hip-hop industry. Although, a man can be quite attributed to the […]

The audience was able to get acquainted with the beautiful voice of Tatyana Tereshina thanks to her participation in the Hi Fai group. Today Tanya performs as a solo singer. In addition, she is a fashion model and an exemplary mother. Every girl can envy Tatiana's parameters. It seems that with age, Tereshina becomes more and more tasty. The singer for a short stay on stage managed to […]

Alexander Rosenbaum skillfully combined the best qualities of a singer, musician, composer, presenter and poet. This is one of those rare types of performers who carefully accumulate various styles of music in their repertoire. In particular, in Alexander's songs one can find responses of jazz, rock, pop songs, folklore and romance. Rosenbaum would not have been able to reach […]

At one time, the Kharkov underground musical group Who is THERE? Managed to make some noise. The musical group whose soloists "make" rap have become real favorites of the youth of Kharkov. In total, there were 4 performers in the group. In 2012, the guys presented their debut disc "City of XA", and ended up at the top of the musical Olympus. The tracks of rappers came from cars, apartments […]

Danil Prytkov is one of the brightest participants in the Songs project, which was broadcast by the TNT channel. Danil performed on the show under the creative pseudonym Niletto. Having become a member of the Song, Danil immediately said that he would reach the final and secure the right to become the winner of the show. The guy who came to the capital from provincial Yekaterinburg impressed the jury […]