went out to smoke - Ukrainian singer, musician, lyricist. He released his debut album in 2017. By 2021, he managed to release several worthy LPs, which the fans checked out. Today, his life is inseparable from music: he tours, releases trending clips and top tracks that catch you from the first seconds of listening.
Childhood and youth years of Yuri Avangard
Yuri Avangard (real name of the artist) was born on the territory of sunny Odessa (Ukraine), May 16, 1998 (some sources indicate that he was born in 2002). The young man received his secondary education in an ordinary Odessa school. Like all boys, he loved outdoor games, and besides, he loved mathematics and English.
In adolescence, music was added to the list of hobbies of the Avant-garde. Yuri was literally set on fire with the desire to learn how to play the piano. To do this, he began to attend a music school. By the way, the grandmother instilled in the guy a love for this type of musical instrument.
Together with like-minded people, Avangard began to freestyle. He adored the work of the performers Raskolnikov and Listen to the Exorcist, and tried to be like them, but at the same time not lose his own manner of presenting musical material.

Reference: Freestyle - improvisation in rap; recitation and singing of rhyming rhythmic recitative and poems created on the go.
By the way, initially he did not consider music as the main activity. Yes, and the guy's parents were completely unprepared for the fact that the son will try on the image of a public person. But when Yuri realized that what he gets high from can also bring money, he realized that he needed to act. Later, when the parents got acquainted with the work of their son, they decided to support him.
The creative path went out for a smoke
He prefers to work in the genres of abstract hip-hop with elements of techno and electro. Yura presents musical works in a rather mannered way. Sometimes, it seems that they are saturated with aggression and anger in its fiercest manifestation. He often brings up poignant topics about illegal drugs and the depressing realities of modern life.
In 2015, he began to play music professionally, but at that time few people had heard of him. As noted above, Yuri, together with his friends, gathered at the “hut” and freestyled. Gradually, the improvisation of the word reached a new level. After one of the theme parties, he came home and got excited about the desire to professionally engage in creativity.
The debut collection was released in 2017. It was called "Fashion". Numerous music lovers supported the newcomer's creation, which made it possible to release the second Avangard disc in a row. Further, he warmed up the audience before the performance of the singer Pharaoh, which allowed to increase the fan base.
A year later, his discography increased by several albums. In 2018, he pleased his fans with the release of the discs Disgusting and Never. On the wave of popularity, the premiere of non-album songs took place: “We all die alone”, “Belly”, “Sleep”, etc.
Vanguard surprised productivity, and was not going to slow down. In 2019, he presented the collections "North" and "Memory". The presentation of the last album took place in the capital of Russia, and later also in St. Petersburg. A cool clip was presented for the track "Nobody Needs You".

When asked about the choice of a creative pseudonym, the rapper answered the following:
“The real fact helped me decide on the choice of a creative pseudonym. After one freestyle, I went out for a smoke on the landing. Well ... you yourself understand where the wind blows. So I came up with an idea…”
went out to smoke: details of personal life
He is in no hurry to reveal the name of his beloved. Not so long ago, Yura posted a photo on the social network in an embrace with a pretty girl. Judging by the reaction of subscribers, this is his girlfriend. Special attention deserves the fact that the Vanguard does not like to discuss matters of the heart. Social networks mainly serve as a working platform, there is little about “lifestyle” in them.
went out for a smoke: our days
In support of the new LP "Gothic", Yura rolled up a big tour in Ukraine, which ended in late spring 2021, at one of the concert venues in Kharkov. At the end of 2021, he announced a big Russian tour. By the way, not all Ukrainian fans appreciated this gesture of the artist.