Circus Mircus is a Georgian progressive rock band. The guys "make" cool experimental tracks by mixing many genres. Each member of the group puts a drop of life experience into the texts, which makes the compositions of "Circus Mirkus" worthy of attention. Reference: Progressive rock is a style of rock music which is characterized by the complication of musical forms and the enrichment of rock through […]
Local Artists
Biographies of artists and musical groups from the CIS countries.
The category "Artists from the CIS countries" collected information about popular domestic groups and performers. The articles posted in this section will tell readers about the most striking musical projects of artists from the CIS countries, their life path, as well as their contribution to the development of national culture. Biographies are accompanied by video clips and photographs of the artists. What was their path to fame, and what position do artists occupy today in the music industry, read on our biographical portal.
SHAMAN (real name Yaroslav Dronov) is one of the most popular singers in Russian show business. It is unlikely that there will be many artists with such talent. Thanks to vocal data, each work of Yaroslav gets its own character and personality. Songs performed by him immediately sink deep into the soul and remain there forever. In addition, the young man [...]
Taras Topolya is a Ukrainian singer, musician, volunteer, leader of the Antitila. During his creative career, the artist, together with his team, has released several worthy LPs, as well as an impressive number of clips and singles. The group's repertoire consists of compositions mainly in Ukrainian. Taras Topolya, as the ideological inspirer of the band, writes lyrics and performs […]
A(Z)IZA is a Russian beauty blogger, singer, designer, ex-wife of rapper Guf. She has an impressive number of followers. She shocks the audience with harsh statements and antics. Behind her, the “train” of the wife of rapper Guf still stretches, and Aiza herself mentions his name from time to time. In 2021, Aiza even stated that […]
Noga Erez is an Israeli progressive pop singer, musician, lyricist, and producer. The artist dropped her debut single in 2017. Since then, a lot has changed – she releases really cool videos, makes progressive pop tracks, and tries to avoid “banality” in her tracks. Note: Progressive pop is pop music that tries to break with the standard formula […]
Kristonko is a Ukrainian singer, musician, blogger. Her repertoire is filled with Ukrainian-language compositions. Christina's songs are charged with popularity. She works hard, and believes that this is her main advantage. Childhood and youth years of Christina Khristonko The date of birth of the artist is January 21, 2000. Christina met her childhood in a small village located in […]